
By Teasel

Loch Tay

I didn’t sleep well at all, so was not best pleased when it was time to get up.  At least, after yesterday’s rain,  it was a really lovely morning.  The views across the loch from breakfast were stunning.    Everyone congregated after breakfast to choose their activities for the day.  R and I had decided we wanted to go for a walk, we just weren’t sure where.  TT chose kayaking.  After some consultation R and I decided to walk part of the RobRoy Way, which is basically along the disused railway track along Glen Ogle.  What a lovely (and easy) walk.  We had amazing views and got to walk over the Glen Ogle viaduct, which I always look across at, when we are driving past.  We clambered down to take a look at the feat of engineering, before carrying on our way.  The track descends just beyond Lochearnhead and we then walked back to the village, thinking that we would find a spot next to the loch where we could sit down and have our picnic.  That was easier said than down, but we did find a corner and enjoyed the view.  The highlight was watching an osprey flying up the loch until we lost sight of it, until it flew back past us with a fish.  What an amazing sight.  We watched it again until we lost sight of it.   There was a very inviting pub nearby, so we sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine over a swift half, before heading back.  We had a steep climb back up to the railway path, but we seemd to get back to the car quite quickly.  There were spots of rain, but it didn’t come to anything.  We got back in time for cake, a shower and a drink before dinner.
After dinner there was bingo.  I think it is fair to say that half of us enjoyed the bingo, while the other half didn’t.  I was in the latter category.  Maybe it’s just because I was feeling rather weary.   I think most people were, and as a result it wasn’t a late night.
A wee boat sailed by when I was admiring the view this morning.  The extras are Glen Ogle from our walk, including the Glen Ogle viaduct. I’ve added an extra of prom boy to yesterday’s entry.

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