curns' corner

By curns


After a difficult day, I tried to be more optimistic about giving blood. Today is the first time I have been back since the transfusion service wanted to switch me to giving platelets, and I wasn't sure about it. I may do that in the future, but I haven't been giving blood that long, so I wanted to continue with this for a while.

I assume most people are a bit nervous when they first give blood. This evening was visit four; it was the first time I didn't feel anxious. I let the staff know that I have an issue with mobility in my arm, and they were very good about testing to see if the 'giving' position was comfortable. It was, and I did not feel any problem in my arm at all. The act of taking the blood was all over in about 6 minutes. It seemed remarkably quick, and I was eating my orange-flavoured Club biscuit before I knew it.

Rishi called a general election.

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