curns' corner

By curns


There was a knock at the door. I looked at the camera and thought it was a delivery. It turned out to be somebody trying to sell me a burglar alarm. I pointed at the box on the side of the house. He kept trying. You have to give him credit. He did make me late for a meeting, though.

After my WhatsApp conversation with C yesterday, I thought we might still be on for drinks tonight if her parcel collection happened early enough. In preparation, I cooked dinner early, although I didn't eat it. I was planning on grabbing a portion before heading for the train and leaving the remaining food for PY. It was a one-pot oven dish that used many green vegetables we had yet to use from the weekly vegetable box deliveries.

I may have got my wires crossed. When I re-read the message, it was clear we'd decided to cancel tonight as we already have a meet-up planned for next week. This turned out to be helpful as I needed to pack for our trip to the Isle of Wight festival. I booked my train ticket for tomorrow evening, but it will be a dash from finishing work to the train to make a ferry, which will get me into the flat at a reasonable time.

I ordered a pair of trousers that can easily be turned into shorts by zipping off the lower portion. Amazon is a wonder at times like this. I placed the order yesterday, and the parcel was delivered to the local 'Lockers' this afternoon. As I wasn't rushing to the pub, I went to collect them. I wonder how much money I have put through these little yellow doors over the last few years?

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