Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Charity Shop Find

Today has been pretty normal. Little Man went to nursery, but I didn't go to work. I'm still not feeling well enough to risk a 40 minute bike ride with an unhappy gut.

We picked Little Man and went to the charity shop. I got some shorts (for the summer) and a step for my boy. Yes, it is pink and purple but he doesn't mind. He was so happy with it. I was thrilled to find it as it was only €2 (£1.69, $2.15) and as far as I know, these scooters usually go for a lot more when they're new.

When we got home, Little Man had some quiet time in bed and then played for a while. He's been a bit of a handful recently. After dinner and a bath, Caleb came round and Little Man was thrilled to see him. It also meant that he didn't want to go to bed, despite being tired.

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