July Challenge - Egg/Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Day 9 of HeartFreek's July daily challenge - Egg
and TerriG's July Song Titles challenge - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Egg and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - how to connect the two? - simple, time for a quick google.

Mr and Mrs Woodman are known as the Howard and Hilda of the neighbourhood and are frequently seen in identical outfits. Today was such a day, though a little less formal than Howard and Hilda Hughes tended to be. Due to his lack of hair Mr Woodman thinks that Elmer Fudd is wonderful, especially as his original name was Egghead, so we have a little star (he's shorter than a rabbit!) called Egghead.

Meanwhile, his head is recovering from the sunburn, but it's still very shiny and gives off a star burst if it catches the light just right.

For those who want to know, this was 3 pictures, 2 of me in the T-shirt in different poses and one of the Woodmans. I cut out the T-Shirt in each pic, copied it into the picture of the Woodmans, scaled and warped them to fit, doing a little cloning to tidy up a few edges. The starburst was created by drawing a line, applying motion blur to it, copying it and rotating the copy 90 degrees. These 2 layers were then merged, copied, the new copy rotated and then scaled to reduce the size. Finally a circle was drawn with the Marquee tool, a stroke applied, that was blurred, the opacity reduced to make it fainter, then the 3 layers were merged. A quick bit of perspective to angle it, and there you have a starburst.

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