Everyday Life

By Julez


This is my 4000th Blip. For someone who often has problems sticking at things, I am very happy with that! I'm not saying there hasn't been the odd back-blip or photo taken by one of my children rather than me along the way but the drivel I type is definitely all mine!

This really is a great community to be part of. It is diverse, safe, inclusive and most of all, fun! I love the window it affords on other lives, other worlds even. You can - and in my view should, be real here. I have learnt so much about the World from other people's journals - it is a rare day when there is nothing that makes me say "Oh, wow - I never knew that!" There is usually something I will find amusing too, and at least one animal that is so very cute!!

This was taken in town. I wanted something reasonably out of the ordinary for the occasion though I have Blipped this view before I think. It is the Fosse Dyke canal which leads in to the Brayford Marina, taken from the University flyover. It was pretty cloudy most of the day but the sun was shining through a gap whilst I took this.

Otherwise I've done more laundry  - even dried it outside! 

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