
By Bom

Hindringham Hall

Nice weather was forecast this morning so I decided to go over to Hindringham Hall, in reality it was a bit chilly and I was glad of my fleece, the full sun didn’t come out until this afternoon. An interesting journey there and back (only a few miles) as going there was a wide load mobile home struggling to get round a corner on the main road in the other direction, with a queue of traffic behind and an ambulance desperately trying to get through. Going back the traffic was slow moving, I think just the weight of traffic from holidaymakers. I think I was a bit early for the gardens, I’ll go again in a few weeks. I arrived just behind a coach - it’s a single track road for the last 100m or so, so that was interesting. I’ve added an extra of some of the beautiful flowers - quite a lot had been damaged by the wind and rain. This afternoon I sat outside - bliss. Then a neighbour started cutting their hedge with a power tool! So I came in just before Andy’s match at Queens, how awful to see him barely able to walk right from the start, get treatment and then have to concede. 

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