
By KCNQ2Haiku

Boy is home

Away for two days
and Leo's forgotten he's
nervous around Ben!

Really busy day today with prepping for and attending Ben's Education and Health Care Plan early transition review.  Phew.  It was a bit intense.  It ran from 10:30-1:10 without a break but it was quite useful to have everyone in the (virtual) room.  Finished, made some lunch and walked the dog and went to fetch Ben from school.  He has been at respite for two days and has not slept well apparently, so he's tired this afternoon.  He sat on the sofa to play Minecraft and Leo jumped up to flop next to him, just like he does if Mr KCNQ2Haiku, older teen or I are sitting down!  He seems to have forgotten that Ben is more of a loose cannon and Leo very early on decided to keep his distance.. but maybe he just missed him?!  Who knows!  It didn't last long and he's back to maintaining personal space! 

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