
By KCNQ2Haiku


Running free, Field Play.
Happy little pooch.  Other
news, just the workmen.

Ben was out with carers today as he is still on reduced school time table.  Sounds like he got a bit cross about a car park machine at one point and his blood sugars have been very high since he got home.  I've had physio and I've been dealing with United Utilities messing about outside the house.  The car now has to stay off the drive for a few days which is a bit annoying but in the greater scheme of things, it's minor! 
Leo's been a bit barky at noises from other people's gardens which is quite annoying too, hopefully he'll get used to it as the weather gets better and we've been trying to watch the football but Ben has been very angry about things: food/bloods/football/minecraft/old computers.  Hopefully he'll settle down before bed.

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