If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Multi exposure Dahlia.

Clickychick had to be in Carlisle by 9:00 for a hospital appointment.  So an early start followed by a degree of chaos.  Parking at the hospital had changed to the extent that there was a man stationed at the pay machine getting everybody through.  The one advantage was they were only charging for a hour no matter how long you were staying.  I doubt that will last past the alterations.

The appointment was fairly short and she was so excited when she came out she forgot where she left me and wandered straight past heading for a previous seating area.

The afternoon was spent as usual with Kanyl visiting a garden centre for coffee and blips.  I have done many flower blips so I fancied something a bit different.  It tried multi exposures on a few different flowers.  I decided I like this one because of the ethereal look it has given to the petals.  There are 4 exposures combined in this shot of Dahlia "Dahlegria white".  The extra is a shot of the flower on its own.

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