Desperately seeking

By clickychick

"Golden Celebration"

I've skipped yesterday's blip to bring today's good news!

A year ago I was feeling so lethargic, sleeping a lot and just not wanting to be bothered with anything. I happened to look at my pulse rate on my Fitbit and it was regularly very high although I was doing nothing much.

I was referred to Cardiology and given a lot of tests and was put on 6 meds. My diagnosis was: "severe left ventricular dysfunction".

This morning I had an appointment and was given the result of last month's MRI scan. The nurse opened my file and was smiling, 

My heart had healed!

My ventricular wall was now firm and performing normally. My ejection fraction (the percentage of blood pumped out of the heart) was up from 26% to the normal 50%. I don't need a pacemaker. My forthcoming consultant's appointment was cancelled and I was removed from the Heart Clinic care list.

What a thrill!

I couldn't wait to tell The Man in the waiting room, my family, my church prayer group and now you folk.

On our Wednesday garden centre visit I hunted for a flower with a suitable name to express my joy and found this brilliant yellow rose called "Golden Celebration".

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