Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sausage Sizzle

I picked Isobel up from Brownies this evening and found, to my amusement, that the Guides were having an end of term barbecue on the path outside the church! They were toasting sausages and marshmallows over three portable barbecues. I was a little taken aback.
Today the sun shone and it was warm, hooray!
I got stuck into the bed around the front lawn and eventually got it all weeded and turned over. I then turned my hand to trying to get rid of the Herb Robert which seems to have established itself very successfully along the western edge of the front terraced area. I have no idea where it has come from but I removed a huge amount and there's still lots left. I fear it is going to be one of those 'gifts that keep on giving'.
I spent an interminable amount of time on the phone to AXA. The calls were all answered but it's infuriating having to input the same information over and over again. One member of staff have me the completely the wrong information which resulted in another call and far to much hold music.
In between fetching children tonight I watched THE MATCH the result wasn't perfect but enough not to make the next match irrelevant which is good as my s-i-l will be there to watch it. Isobel was amazed when I told her the populations of the countries Scotland is competing against. She hadn't realised what a wee country we are and how good we are at punching above our weight.

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