Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Fresh flowers

I adore fresh flowers. I'm so lucky to have a florist in the family, and such a thoughtful one at that. A little treat for M for being brave yesterday.

L crept into my bed in the middle of the night to check I was home. I actually didn't mind at all and liked having all my babies close. By morning the whole house was asleep an hr after my alarm went off and I just lay there listening to them all I could easily have kept E school today too, and lock the doors. Fancied a day of cuddles but I know E has her heart set on that 100% attendance certificate again this year so I sent her in. Meh!

My pal shelley visited and brought L her birthday present for Sunday. This child is tearing her hair out with excitement, she actually cried today because she cant wait anymore. My other 2 kids were never like that at this age.

Grandad came over also to make his own medical opinion on M. He's suggested we keep her off school now, indefinitely. Good ol' grandad.

Cut the grass, made some lists, got some letters ready to send.

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