
By Skyroad

Cleaning Crew: Paper Terminal Warehouse

Slipped out to the docklands again, after three in the afternoon, so I needed to get back within a couple of hours. Place was vastly deserted, no sign of anyone except passing truckers and the security guard, who scrutinised my pass (very politely) and made a call to double-check, which has never happened before. Big 'function' is on, apparently, the diplomatic crowd.

I enjoyed prowling the empty loading docks near Odlums and the paper warehouse I'd been in before. I met a cleaning crew and they were happy enough to let me take a couple of portraits, such as the above. This guy's face had something that I knew would make a close-up portrait come alive.

Here's some more images from the day:
Cleaning Crew
If you can see my mirrors...
No Parking
'The Birds'

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