
By Wanderers13

South Stack Anglesey

Another hot sunny day, we headed west to south stack to look for a chough - and found three.  Also thousands of razorbills and guillemots on the rocks near the light house. This is a RSPB reserve with three carparks and a cafe, it was all fairly busy. The sound from the birds was wonderful to listen to, the smell followed us up to the top. 

Along the way when walking upwards was a European or common Centaury, a tiny pretty pink flower, a cinnabar moth as well as ravens, jackdaws, magpies plus a few LBJ’s.  It was good to sit and watch the choughs, I only appear to have caught one on the camera, see extra, also showing thousands of birds on the rock. And a ship passing by. 

As a young child we would travel to Ireland from Cheltenham to Holyhead by train, my memory is of a huge engine and noise and of a dreadful crossing, always. Mum was from Ireland and we would visit most summers. Holyhead meant trains and the boat, nothing more, today we drove through to see there is a lot more to the town.

The rocks, birds and weather made this another good day out. 

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