
By IainatCreel

The NHS Corridor of Inevitability

After waiting for some time since my last Ophthalmology appointment (Dec 13th) today was the day.  The Current Mrs Creel deposited me in the Atrium of delights and left to get messages.  I was examined by a lady consultant who has thirty years experience.  My eyesight has been compromised for some time – and I had to stop driving – at the best I anticipated that I would have to get a procedure in Inverness a few weeks away.  After a thorough examination I was offered a YAG Capsulotomy.  I timidly asked when that would be.  ‘Now!’ was the unexpected reply.  After the procedure, and without wishing to sound pious, I said ‘We have technology here that the third world can only dream about.’  Without missing a beat The Lady Consultant said ‘That is so prescient.  I spend six weeks every year in Tanzania giving eye treatment.  And, no money had to change hands to ensure today’s procedure.’  I couldn’t help myself and replied ‘Yes, but I’ve paid into the system for 55 years’.  She smiled.  CMC was waiting with the taxi outside.  I could even see her.  I am truly grateful that although not having perfect vision it’s improved radically.  I can see Scapa Flow again; I feel truly humbled.

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