Life through the lens...

By ValC

Here they come!

Is summer here at last? I hope so.
It has been a glorious day. Sunshine and 22C.

We have spent a very enjoyable day with Jennie our youngest Granddaughter.
Had planned a visit to Canal Gardens and Roundhay Park, Leeds. Followed by lunch somewhere, but as she had to get back to Sheffield for 4pm we decided on a walk to the pond and then lunch back at our house.

The goslings have grown since Sunday, and as soon as they saw we had food came swimming over. At one point the young ones came a bit too close, and mum and dad goose didn’t look too happy, so we quickly backed away.

After lunch we started talking about music and how we used to go to the Mecca Locarno in Bradford. Before we were married back in the early sixties.
I found some old photos on the internet. There was always live music including a band and a group. It even had a revolving stage!
Then got on to talking about the Rolling Stones and found a few videos on You Tube.
We certainly had a laugh especially when Grandad did his impersonation of Mick Jagger!

Mr C has been watching the England match. Said it was one of the worst he has seen.
I spent the time reading sat out in the garden.
Such a nice late afternoon decided to open a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc. Perfect weather for some chilled white wine and nibbles.
Hope this weather last a bit longer!

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