For the family

By RonaMac

Supposedly a quiet day

The diary showed a clear page for today, but I’d got that one wrong :0) By lunchtime I was ‘cream crackered’ and needed a rest. 

I had secretly planned to take B, Amber and Olive for a walk round the lake at Rocester as I thought we all needed some fresh air, exercise and distraction. So at 2pm I said, ‘everyone out’. The various ducks, birds and other walkers provided company and entertainment as we walked round. 

I hadn’t planned to have coffee and cake at Denstone Farm Shop, but as we hadn’t had any lunch, we got distracted with incoming phone calls, we decided that it was an essential. 

We dropped off Olive at home on the way back. R was busy working, she works far too hard and such long hours. She hasn’t recovered from her recent Middle Eastern work trip. 

Life seems so busy for everyone these days, I don’t remember retirement being so hectic in the days living in Lincoln.

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