2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

The pleasures of a home

Big moving-day ahead :-)

Here's John Clare on the pleasures of a home:


Muses no more what ere ye be
In fancys pleasures roam
But sing (by truth inspir’d) wi’ me
The pleasures of a home

Nor vain extreems I sigh for here
No Lordlings costly dome
‘Be thine the choice’ says reason ‘where
‘Contentment crowns a home’

O! fate to give my bosom peace
Unsettl’d as I roam
To bid my restless wanderings cease
& fix me in a home

A evening cot days toils to cheer
When tir’d I ceas’d to roam
& lovley Ema smileing near
O happy happy home

How oft the tramping Vagrant sighs
(By fate ordain’d to roam)
For labours best & happiest joys
The comforts of a home

& O when labour night descries
When ceas’d to toil & roam
What joys will in his bosom rise
To think he owns a home


John Clare (1793 - 1864)


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