Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


A lovely sunny day to confound the Met Office forecast of white and grey clouds. Much warmer than forecast too. SO a shame I have to work. My partner has gone to an exhibition at the Scottish Modern Art Gallery 2, Women In Revolt!. There is a photograph of her, taken by Franki Raffles in 1987 as part of a project called 'To Let You Understand', which forms a small part of the exhibition, Women in Work. Click on the links to find out more about the respective projects.

Lunchtime Walk is around the park in the sunshine. I did get a photo of a squirrel up a tree. Unfortunately I cut either its tail or head off in the photographs.

After work, partner and I got for a late walk, delayed by an Amazon delivery. It is still lovely and sunny and very warm. Both parks are quite busy initially. Walking along the Braid Burn, I spot a Greenfinch on a twig of a small tree, blipped with head and tail. I think finches always look a bit grumpy. But nice colours. By the time we get back to the local park, it is very quiet. We sit on a bench for a few minutes enjoying the sunshine and quiet before heading home.

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