An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Taste of summer...

I opened the bedroom blinds this morning and turned my face to meet the morning sunshine, only to be greeted by dull, grey, dank skies and raindrops from a recent shower on the window!  What a disappointment!

I have outdoor plans for the weekend based on the recent four days of sunshine that was forecast so Mother Nature better get her finger out and give the sun good reason to out his hat on! 

We had a lunchtime meeting with Kim, who line manages Alan's team, and Jordan, the Team Leader.  Just our six monthly catch up but there were a few things to discuss.  All positive thankfully :-)

That kind of over ran a bit (the four of us do like to chat! :-) so D was later getting to Perth than he'd planned.  Number one on his list of errands was to hand my external hard drive into a repair shop to see if they can sort the connector part, as that's what seems to be causing the problem.  They hope to have it fixed by lunchtime tomorrow.  Please keep everything crossed that they can, because if they can't....well it doesn't bear thinking about so I'm not!  My head is well and truly buried in the sand!

In the meantime I consoled myself by eating prepping these gorgeous strawberries that David brought from a farm near Leven on his way home from golf yesterday.  They are absolutely delicious and put to shame the supposedly finest strawberries Tesco delivered yesterday morning.  I shall use those to make a coulis to serve with these and some chewy meringues and lightly whipped cream.  If there's any left ;-))

Finished the first half of my crochet flexi cardi and have started the other side.  Can't believe how much I am enjoying crocheting this one compared to the first one!  

Summer solstice eh?  And with that, the nights start drawing in.  Sigh!

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