BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Despite ..............

 ................ cutting the grass before we left we've come back to a bit of a jungle.

On top of that we are both ill ........ Covid tests negative ....... I started with a bit of a cough in Malaga airport (Himself was okay) - by the time we got in the car for the interminable drive home (the M25 was gridlocked south of the Dartford crossing) I had the sore throat from hell and feeling very hot.

We left the hotel at 08.00 Tuesday morning and walked in the door exactly 12 hours later ..... Himself was banjaxed.

Waking up this morning we are like two peas in a pod, sore throats, aching muscles, coughs, feeling like sh*t.   
Himself can hardly walk, his balance is almost non-existent but we put this down to the temporary "feeling like sh*t" and his other serious conditions combining.  When he's very tired his brain can't keep up.

We did have a good holiday though!!!!!!!    :o))

~ Anni ~

This is Wednesday uploaded on Saturday morning by a BikerBear functioning at about 30%.

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