
By Teasel


I worked in the office today – and it was freezing, so very cold, and I am not the only one who was complaining about this.  The heating is now off completely and I don’t imagine it will come on again for a few months.  Note to self, take a warm cardigan to the office.  You wouldn’t think it was the middle of June/summer!
I spent the day catching up with stuff, and having to rewrite a document, which was very annoying.  A friend stopped by for a chat which was a nice break in my day.  She had an accident recently and has been suffering from concussion, but she thinks she is definitely getting better now.  I do hope so.  I also had a catch up with a colleague who announced that the is thinking of taking early retirement, as he has really been struggling with work over the past couple of years.  He is very capable and competent and a great colleague, but he struggles with the pressure and pace of work at times.  He’s still mulling it over.  I will be really sad if he decides to go, as he has been a huge support to me at times.
I popped out at lunchtime, and wandered aimlessly, picking up a sandwich for lunch.  At the end of the day, I caught a bus home with TT and one of my colleagues., so there was some nice chat, before we all got our books out.
After tea, I popped out to get some flowers for TT to take to a couple of his teachers tomorrow.
I spotted this beautiful peony poking through the railing of Princes Street Gardens at lunchtime.

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