Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


Little Miss Sleepyhead in her current hideaway :):)

(Not the best shot, but I bent double to get this and a few other pics of the sleepyhead :))

Having taken myself off the ibuprofen yesterday, I had a really bad night of pain, so I'm back on them as of lunchtime today - and hoping I have not got an allergy from them :(

Its taken me a while to get going this morning, but I did go to the other supermarket to get things I can't get from Aldi early on.

Then I've done a washload and for the first time ever there was still water in the trough at the front of the machine, so I've just finished an 'eco drum clean'.  

When I checked on the internet having lost the instructions - I discovered that the machine should remind me every 40 or so washes to do a 'clean', but it hasn't done.  Probably because I don't do enough washloads in a year....trying to save water!

Anyway it seems clearer, but still a little water there, so I'm going to have to get a friend to help me empty the drain (as I can't get down to that level just now :( )

Other than that I've just relaxed..  After a rainy morning its been dry enough to dry the washing outside :)

Looking at the BBC1 Schedule today on my Samsung TV, it seems Casualty is on, so not sure why the announcement that it wouldn't be!!

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