
By TonyG


A nice one.

I had completely forgotten planting some seedling bulbs of Ornithogalum pyrenaicum out in the older sand bed, so it was a delight to see the spikes of flower suddenly appear above the froth of nigella and others.   It's a sight reminiscent of when I have seen it in the meadows just above where Hilary lives in Switzerland, most recently at this time last year :-)   Extra pic showing more of the plant and it's situation.  They are a bit over a metre tall.

A quiet day mostly at home although I popped over to see Mum a couple of times as Chris was out all day today.   She's slowly improving but still sleeping most of the time.  I made sure she had lunch and later took a cooked tea over to share.   Otherwise a day preparing for a week away which fast approaches.  Laundry, the beginnings of packing, pottery carefully fitted into boxes for transit as I have a talk in Norfolk next weekend, a sales opportunity.   I am making up a good supply of flower photo cards too as stock has got very low.   

A late evening walk for Meg and Bella included a stop at pottery to add a couple of coats of glaze to two pieces ahead of a firing tomorrow.   Bella is with me this weekend as Jamie has gone to see Clara and celebrate a family birthday.  He opted for coach from Birmingham to Southampton, much cheaper than the train.   His last experience with coaches was a nightmare on rail replacement services where the drivers had no idea how to operate the wheelchair ramp which led to a huge delay.   Today it was a proper National Coach company .... but the nightmare repeated itself with the first two buses taken out of service when they found the wheelchair lift was not working and the third one involving a lot of head scratching before they finally got it working.  A three hour delay, not just for him but for all the other passengers too!   He coped amazingly well and was buoyed up by the support of the other passengers who while angry with the coach company, were very much looking out for him.

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