There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

What Kind of Hummingbird Is THAT!???

It was Saturday afternoon. It was quite hot out, again. I was washing dishes and looked out the window to see a black and white bird land on the hummingbird feeder. "What kind of bird is THAT!???" my husband said. 

We both stopped what we were doing to look out. I just KNEW it wouldn't stay long enough to document the scene. But I ran for my camera anyway. And I got 39 seconds with it, posing for me, before it flew away. 

I was zooming and I was free-handing it, and I was getting mostly blurry stuff. So I quickly sat down in one of the kitchen chairs; steadied my hands; snapped the shutter. Of the ten or so shots I got, this was the clearest. So here it is, my photo for the day.

This is a thing I have never seen before. It is a photo of a female downy woodpecker (the male has red on its head; this one doesn't), finding a way to get hummingbird juice out of the feeder using just her beak. She was apparently having some level of success at it, as she dipped her beak in and out, in and out!

Now, I know this isn't a hummingbird, but I thought the tag line was funny. This is not a hummingbird, but a pretender. And so my song for this image is Jackson Browne with Crosby, Stills, and Nash, performing his hit The Pretender.

Note: The ideal hummingbird food mix is 4 parts water to 1 part sugar; I heat the water, then mix in the sugar until dissolved. Then I let it cool, and put it into a thoroughly cleaned feeder, which is changed every few days; more frequently in the severe heat.

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