There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Flower Power!

The good news is that the osteospermum plants (sometimes called Kalahari daisies) that we coddled into blooming all winter long were repotted into better soil in springtime and put outside. They are blooming again and I couldn't resist a few shots! I try to keep osteospermum on hand every summer because I adore their shapes and colors, because they are a fun and easy photo op, and because these (in shades of blue/purple) were the flowers I carried on my wedding day!

Now, you all know my relationship with music. It gives me courage, it gives me joy, it gives me strength, it helps me go on, in spite of it all. And here is a particular song that goes ALL the way if you need a boost of get-up-and-go in the mornings! My soundtrack song for this flower power moment is Sia, with Unstoppable Today. I'm including links to two versions. For once, read the comments; they're WONDERful (and the fans include a lot of cancer survivors!): regular version, Wonder Woman version.

YOU are unstoppable today!

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