Someone having a bad day on the mountain

I'm guessing a motorbiker had a heart attack at the top of Stelvio because there were no signs of an accident.

Thin air does seem to affect some people quite badly. I seem to remember a rather large chap on one out events seeking medical help after he came off Stelvio one year - he had literally been at the top for maybe 2 hours and spent overnight in a hospital in Salzburg. If that's not a message to lose some of the 30-35st you are carrying, I don't know what is.

Anyway, as I went back to the hotel at lunchtime, an ambulance was wailing up the pass and then the air ambulance came over and practically landed in front of me!

I think it was Helicopter Day on Stelvio as well, because I'm sure the mountain rescue helicopter was in the area for some of the day, and then the supermarket helicopter turned up to lift construction material high up on to the valley walls.

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