Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Up the creek

A glorious morning; warm and sunny with hardly a cloud in the sky.  We went over to Morston and walked out from the quay across the salt marsh.  Only a couple of other people out there so the only sounds were the skylarks, gulls and one or two other birds we didn't recognise and which kept quiet once I started my Merlin app.  It's one of my favourite places to walk as it provides perfect peace and solitude, with wonderful views, but is only easily accessible in the summer when it has dried out; wellies are needed otherwise and I don't 'do' wellies; my feet are far too hot!

This is one of the bridges on the salt marsh that cross the tidal creeks; I've added extras of a meadow pipit perched on one of the jetties, and another of a bike just because I liked it.

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