Everyday Life

By Julez

Chambers Wood

We stayed up pretty late last night - normal Saturday drill! Consequently it was not that early when we got up today. I might have gone back to bed but a negative experience of the spider kind on a trip to the loo woke me up enough that it wasn't worth it. A scary looking spider had come through the bathroom window and made a web on the inside. It remained outside until a fly that Minstrel was hunting landed on the web, bringing the spider inside very rapidly. (Their speed is absolutely terrifying!) Minstrel then batted the web, right next to where I was sitting. Fortunately the spider darted back outside as fast as it came in rather than landing on me! I removed the web and don't think it has been replaced, thank goodness!

After breakfast Brian and I had a trip over to Chambers Wood. It is one of my favourite places. There is such a sense of peace there, even when it is busy as it was this morning. The only sounds are birdsong and the buzz of insects.

The wet weather we have had seems to have limited the number of butterflies etc. there were around but we saw a good variety of creatures. According to Google my main shot a Large Skipper. The extras show a cinnabar moth, a meadow brown butterfly, a ringlet and a mullein moth caterpillar. 

After a good long walk we came home for a late lunch via a quick shop in Lidl. I happened to have taken my weekly shopping list along so I picked up what I could from that too, as well as the bread roll I had gone in for.

This afternoon we watched more rugby and saw St Helens lose to Salford in a very entertaining game. This keeps Wigan top of the table and that is a good thing!

Grace is home from her holiday now, despite delays due to a power cut at Manchester airport. The girls had a lovely time in Spain! 

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