Everyday Life

By Julez

"Are you f'in' serious?"

"It's literally midsummer! Even if I was in the mood for a game right now, what makes you think I'd want to involve a Christmas item?"

Basically I did not have a Blip, did not want to put on outside - appropriate clothing to go and look for one, and Minstrel and his Christmas present from a couple of years ago were right there! And it is Silly Saturday after all!

I was hoping Minstrel would be up for a game too, but he wasn't and has, like Brian, taken himself off for an afternoon nap.

I'm going to watch the rest of a Vera episode I started watching the other day and didn't have time to finish before the football started on TV. It was England's yawnfest - had I known what we were in for I'd have watched the rest of the show at the time.

More exciting was Wigan's game against London last night. I'd hoped for a bigger score than the 30odd -0 result it was, but Wigan rested quite a few regulars and gave some of the kids a go. Thereby a new star was born: an 18 year old half back named Jack Farrimond who played with style and skill. He never looked overawed or out of his depth and scored 2 tries, narrowly missed out on a hat trick. Also, he took charge of the goal kicking responsibility with 100% success. Not many easy kicks either.

This morning with great difficulty I managed to swap my clothes over. Winter clothes take up more space than summer ones so there's now more room in the wardrobe but I can't fit all the winter ones in the storage. It won't be a problem once Brian removes the junk he has stashed in Grace's old wardrobe...

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