Early in the year I picked up a selection of rather sad looking semps from nursery near Aberystwyth for a bargain price. I bare rooted them, stripping away all the soil and associated weevils and potted them all into one large clay pot filled with mostly sand and grit plus a little topsoil. They have knitted together to make a solid mat and a multitude of runners are casting babies out to root into the sand plunge :-) Plus three of the rosettes are sending up flowers. An extra pic of the flowers from a Cobweb Houseleek, Sempervivum arachnoideum. A second extra of some of the foliage.
A quiet Sunday, continuing with preparing to go away. I did manage a couple of hours at pottery this morning which saw a couple more pieces go into the kiln as well as progress on glazing my first two wheel thrown mugs. Popped in to see Mum who is looking brighter today and took the dogs to Rhydyronen for an hour after the sun broke through this evening. The sunset drew me to the seafront afterwards - final extra pic.
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