
By mambo

Another Garden ‘Room’.

Would like to be sat here this afternoon but l’ve a full day getting ready for G my handyman coming tomorrow. So much preparation to do and all at once.

This is another area of my garden , l do like the idea of dividing my patch into sections or ‘little rooms’.
On a sunny day it’s too hot and bright to sit here but after about 3pm it’s perfect.
Thanks to PinkHairedLady for hosting MM.

We were all hot at Zumba even with all the doors open and the fans on.
Had coffee afterwards, l am thinking about joining Wharfedale WI  after talking with the president  who l know from Zumba; the branch in my village folded during Covid. A Thursday night would fit into my timetable so it does look a possibility and it’s not far to Menston where they meet once a month.

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