Tigger's Takes

By Tigger101

How many?!

Saturday 22nd June 2024                (backblip)

A warm day but with a fair amount of cloud ..... still it was lovely not to need a coat or a mac!

We had a lovely wander "up the road" ..... watched the Swallows, House Martins & Swifts all circling over head :-)

Came across this mass of caterpillars on the nettles .... if they're lucky they will become beautiful Peacock butterflies :-)

At one point we had to step onto the grass verge to let a car pass ..... I picked the wrong place!

I must have stepped on an ant nest & I don't think they were very pleased!

My ankle felt as if it was on fire .... the ants were swarming all over it & biting! Ouch!!!

Thankfully Hubby brushed them all off ... not something I wish to repeat! In future I'll be more careful where I tread when we move out of the way of a car!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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