
By ArcLight

Another body of water

The Shandwick swimmers made an outing this evening to Loch Achilty which is very popular for gentle water sports (paddle boarding, kayaking and swimming). It was a great wee outing for the evening, and I was very lucky because N and A (and Elmer the dog) gave me a lift so I didn't even have to drive. We swam to a small crannog and around it, and back again. About 600 metres or so. See extra. We were lucky with the weather, and the cloudage was absolutely fantastic. The water was warm enough to debut my new Zoggs swimming costume with silver lining. It's actually quite snug and a good fit. Good to be out of neoprene (or a natural substitute). A most enjoyable swim and a great summer evening outing, with lovely chats in the car with N and A. 

It's definitely been the Scottish summer today. Up in the mid 20s at various times, and now the inside the cottage is quite unreasonably warm. I've been mostly indoors getting on with work, but I did venture into the garden a few times. We also went over to the local garden centre and treated ourselves to a few new plants to fill some gaps. So that necessitated quite a bit of trudging around the garden with full watering cans. I also brought a bit of the garden inside, in the form half a dozen pink peony blooms now adorning the coffee table. In the heat of the afternoon, we had a home visit from a man who was able to fix the signal to the TV (well, actually Freesat, which I had never heard of before), which involved bringing the old satellite dish on the house back into play, with a new receiver. We do have a traditional aerial, but I can imagine the reception is pants, whereas it's grand via Freesat and all we want to do is watch the basic channels from time to time, and use a few streaming services.

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