I've had an energetic day, walking here and there, including to and from the gym at lunchtime. On the way home from work I paused to photograph some very pretty stuff going on in a wild hedge (top two). I just love that dark blue you-know-what!
Further on along a busy road, I encountered a small fluffy dog on its own with no collar. It wouldn't let me catch it, but it didn't run off either. We ended up in a stand-off in a cul-de-sac, so at least the pup was safe. But who do you call? Tried a vet's number but they were closed, put something on a community Facebook site sometimes used when people park cars on slipways when the tide is coming in - but you have to have your post approved by admin (admin was not online). Called friend H who lives nearby and has access to a dog forum page.
But then suddenly a man rushed out of a nearby house, red in the face and obviously panicking - he was very relieved to find his little pooch safe and sound! My good deed for the day, kind of; I went to H's for a much needed cuppa! The bottom two in the collage are from her garden.
Eventually got home! Is it Friday yet?
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