Marking Time

By Libra

A walk on the wild side

The alpacas in a nearby field have been shorn of their warm woolly coats and now look vulnerable in their nakedness .
Leo (see extra) brought in a baby bat and a young red squirrel tucks into peanuts .( see extra).
But the highlight of the day is watching the live transmission from the international space station as three astronauts prepare to walk in space. They floated around in slow motion.

One woman astronaut wore a sweater which kept riding up her back and every so often she would tug it down aware that Planet Earth were looking at her midriff, ( there are 12,000 watching ).
One astronaut develops a leak in her space gloves. Water oozes out as she dons her spacesuit.
So the walk is aborted on orders from Mission Control.
I reckon we are going to see a lot more live transmissions like this as space exploration speeds up.

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