
By KimberlyJenkins


Woke up around 7ish, packed, ate, and then waited on the owner to come check us out of the apartment. We then headed to the Hauptbahnhof to await our train but ended up being around 2hrs we just hung out and shopped some. Our train finally arrived and the stress from the train coming to Berlin wasn't there because we reserved our seats. We had a table to ourselves the whole way which was very relaxing. We got home and I unpacked all my things and tried to organize/compress all of my things to be able to pack for Heide Park the day after tomorrow and to pack my big backpack for our journey. After some chill time, we ate spaghetti and salad in the backyard and then ate the raspberries, cherries, and three other kinds of fruits that I had never seen before and can't remember the names to. :/ One was small and red and was stemmed like grapes, the other light red with the "veins" showing, and the other was a dark purple mix between the two. If you know the names...let me know. ha. I had a full conversation with Dieter about traveling, his parents, and the wildlife of Germany (not very much wildlife...). Franzie and I then went inside and watched a show about a blond girl who has her own clothing line and whatnot...forgot the name, but its long and complicated and very German. During the show I decided to catch up on all my blogging so I didn't really see what was going on. Today was very chill and nice to catch up on everything. I was WORN OUT from Berlin and I really hope thats not the case when we're backpacking and I'm able to enjoy everything more without being crippled and exhausted the whole time. All in all, going to Berlin was AMAZING, though, and more special being able to go with the Kleinfelds and see their prospective on their country's history. Thank you for taking me along!!

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