I Witness

By KangaZu

Mono Monday: Week 544 ...

... Freestyle (as in anything goes!).

After the past week of oppressive heat today was absolutely wonderful.  Except for the high winds which caused problems later on in the day was perfect.

So perfect that I was able to sit outside with all my critters in the morning before lunch.  It felt so nice being outside again enjoying their antics.  And since I haven't been using any chipmunk/squirrel props I decided to put one out today.  And was rewarded grandly by momma chipmunk!  She is the cutest, isn't she!?!  

After lunch we headed to the other side of the valley towards the Wildlands Conservatory for our walk.  I had only been there once before so it was nice to go someplace different.  On the way here we stopped at a jewelry store because the band on my engagement ring recently broke.  Probably because the last time I had it resized at another jeweler  they stretched the band so thin that I was afraid this would happen some day.  Besides that the ring was sized too large.  We will see in about three weeks whether this jeweler does a better job.

We returned home from the conservatory with plenty of time to relax before making supper.  Now about those winds that I mentioned earlier.  Shortly after supper as I was working on my pictures with the hopes of posting this cutie the power went out due to a power line being blow down.  We were without power for several hours ... it was finally restored around 11:30 pm.  And the internet took a little longer to be restored.  Hence the backblip (July 25).

Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Mono Monday this month.  Sorry for the one day delay in posting ... but it wasn't my fault!!

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