A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


My plan today was to blip my roses as they are looking lovely.

Went around the garden before this morning’s very warm Pilates session with my macro lens taking the roses and several other plants including the first tomatoes appearing.

That's when I spotted the poppy. Not only the first poppy, excluding the large red papavers,  but the only one of this variety. Many years ago, dear friend Dot was digging them out of her allotment in a profusion of oaths. I asked if I could have them.

Nothing happened the year following planting but the year after that we had a wonderful display of poppies in all different colours. Sadly that was it and we’ve only had one popping up in odd places ever since. This one had to be my blip as I know it will be gone tomorrow. The tiny filaments in the centre picked out by the macro lens seem appropriate for tiny Tuesday. Sadly dear Dot is no longer with us either but I was blessed.

After Pilates, my friend not attending today,  Chris and I went to the garden centre to get my accumulated free coffee, my friend and I have large lattes which are not included but Chris has a regular black Americano so that was allowed as the freebie. Wanted to get it used as they’ve stopped that system now and you have to collect on an app on your phone!

Took a look around but they didn’t have the plants I wanted.
After lunch we went up to another garden centre two villages away and got some new lavenders with a discount as Chris is a garden member there.

Very muggy again today with some threatening looking clouds but no rain yet!

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