Look Out

By chrisf

John Muir

I travelled to the John Muir Country Park this morning. John Muir, who is credited with giving particular impetus to the National Park movement in the USA, as well as co-founding the Sierra Club, was born in the adjoining town of Dunbar. He was 11 years old when his family migrated to North America.

A sunny, warm morning, I walked along the saltmarsh to the River Tyne estuary, then cut across the dunes to the beach. Fantastic views of the Bass Rock, floating like an alien object offshore (extra). Ringed plover, and sand martins nesting in the sand cliffs, were my birding highlights ( extras). I also took plenty of photos of the flora for later identification, I am trying to improve my botanical knowledge.

Mid afternoon and after lunch in the garden with my hosts the weather turned, and it has rained heavily. Thats OK - I’ve had really good weather this last week.

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