
By KCNQ2Haiku

Quick walk

Too warm for dog walks,
poor Leo doesn't get it.
And not sure I do!

It's been warm today.  Ben is at respite so I was up and showered and feeling a bit lost quite early today.  I hoovered our bedroom including the top of the wardrobe and liberated two spiders.  Then I sorted a Tesco delivery and walked Leo.  It was only 10am but it was too hot already.  It was OK under the trees at the brook but the pavements to get there were warm.   It wasn't that it was too warm for his paws he just was fed up with the mugginess of it all. I gave him loads of water on the way around and annoyingly flicked water in his face a bit (he seemed willing to live without that!)  but he was certainly happy to lie on the kitchen tiles with a fan on him when he got home.
I spoke to my Dad and then spent the rest of the day working on my 'Day in the Life of' and 'Real Life Scenarios' documents for social care.  Not a lot of fun going over a play-by-play of all the drama but I do think it's showing a realistic picture.
I did a mini walk with Leo at 6pm once it had cooled down a bit more and snapped this flower in a nearby garden.  The whole walk in general made me sneeze a lot, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that this flower was the culprit!
Now we're getting ready for the England football game.  I'm not really a football person but it's always fun when there's a national sporting team to get behind!

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