
By KCNQ2Haiku

Blackberry flowers

Is it blackberry?
Or maybe it's Alfalfa
in a little pouch??

So Ben had a tricky night at respite, his bloods and ketones went high so there was a bit of a baptism of fire for the staff trying to bring that down, I fielded some calls and then this morning they rang saying he'd had a suspected absence seizure too, so it's been one of those days.  I've probably said before that previous doctors and EEGs think any absences he has are more behavioural and autism related than seizure activity but it still needs an eye keeping and records of events etc.  I've booked a call with the GP to discuss.  School also rang because he'd been out with the respite people an walked past a phonebook or something with a community free book/library thing and he'd chosen a book, it looks like the carers hadn't vetted it very well and he's brought a book into school that was described to me as an erotic thriller :-/ and he has been very reluctant to let it go.  It's always something you wouldn't expect, isn't it?! 
They wrangled it from him with promise of a shiny new book from amazon and by the time he came home he was happy to tell me all about it (the situation not the plot!).  
Other than that I've been chasing my tail with arranging appointments and emailing things for both kids, I did manage a cool walk in the woods with Leo where we saw this little blackberry flower, doesn't it look like alfalfa sprouting!?
And good news, United Utilities have finished all their scurrying and pavement-blocking and I can now park on my drive again!
And the last word has to be that it's far too hot.

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