
By fitzbilly

Discarded Cardy

An admin morning, mostly spent on camera club stuff, lots of email traffic but I feel I am on my way with next season's programme now. Mid morning we had another Ocado delivery. After a great start a few substitutions have crept in now, so I'm still not fully decided about sticking with them.

I felt I needed a break in the afternoon so we did one of the Sherborne circuits. It was very quiet, we only saw one dog walker in the two hours we were there. He had two dogs though. It was lovely and cool under the trees even though my watch was saying it was 27ºC. I was hoping to see some butterflies but they were far and few between, and the ones we did see were too lively to photograph. The cardigan was the only thing which really caught my eye.

Along the road part of the walk we saw what I thought were a pair of bright red butterflies, but a bit of research told me they were scarlet tiger moths. A very poor cropped shot in the extra.

In other news like many of you I guess we just watched another scintillating England performance. We were better after the substitutions and at least have avoided Germany in the next match. One of the camera club members I was talking to last night said he had been born on the day England won the World Cup, but his parents didn't know as they weren't at all interested in Football. I said that was good or he might have been called Alf.

In other other news we caught mouse#52 in the garage, 57 days since the last one.

One year ago:
Flying Visits
Imagine it, 'you know, like John Lennon'.
I'm so glad I have recorded these witticisms of the grandsons. Without my blip journal I would never have remembered this.

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