Flying Visits

A flying visit to Wapping to see daughter#1 and her family, but also daughter#2, literally on a flying visit from Munich. The daughters are going together to see the Dixie Chicks in Cardiff later this week.

We had fun with the boys of course. Perhaps the best bit was when they pretended to run a restaurant. The service was appalling. When I asked where my prawn cocktail was (OK, I was ordering from the 70s menu) I was told to imagine it, 'you know, like John Lennon'.

It was pretty hot, though with a breeze not as bad as we had expected. The extra is the nearby Shadwell Basin - 'No Swimming Allowed'. Apparently there have been quite a few drownings there in recent times. Nevertheless a lot of people were diving and swimming.

One year ago:
Reunion - 51 Years!

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