An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


First port of call for the day was to see the Vampire Nurse for a blood test to check my iron levels (hoping the result will mean I can stop taking ferrous fumarate) and to have my Vit B12 levels checked.  Results in a week.

Second port of call was Gloagburn for lunch.  

We've not been there for ages and they've had a bit of an extension build around the main entrance, allowing greater sales space for their gardening stock.  There were lots of plants tempting me but I resisted.  

We had a lovely lunch and I was tempted by their scone of the day - apple and cinnamon, and it was absolutely delicious.  For once we didn't bankrupt ourselves in the shop, spending less than £10 that's a first!  Sadly they didn't have any of their amazing chilli jam, which was our reason for going there.  Oh well, gives us a good excuse to return soon ;-)

D was playing golf with Adrian this afternoon and I took myself off to the studio to do some little flower paintings.  I also wrote my third condolence card this week, as after hearing of our friend David's death last week, followed by a friend's brother a couple of days later, I heard today of the death of a friend's mum.  A sad week.

David returned from golf with the great news that the DVLA has returned Adrian's driving license.  He had to surrender it earlier this year when he was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  Thankfully that is being treated successfully so after being given the all-clear to drive by his Consultant, and now having his licence back, he can return to work at last.  

He has enjoyed a little glimpse of retirement but he's relieved to get back to his usual routine, and get behind the wheel again.  

And now my thoughts turn to our visitors arriving on Friday and the girls' birthday celebrations on Saturday.  

Esme has confirmed her attendance, party decorations have arrived and need to be put up, birthday cards have been written and garden games sorted (praying for a dry day!) now need to concentrate on the buffet.  But that's a job for tomorrow.  

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