An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Birthday Beautiful...

Seven today!  

I can't quite believe it.  How can our little golden ball of fluff puppy be seven already?!  Still a puppy at heart though and I don't expect that will ever change, and I am fine with that :-))

I had planned to get an official birthday portrait of her in the garden but since it has rained all day and been so dark I've had lights on indoors, that didn't happen.  

She had an early walk as D was playing golf at Ratho, so she and I had lunch together and as a treat I shared my French Toast with her :D Later treats included a Woof brush.  Lots of extra cuddles today celebrating one of the best decisions we ever made :-)) Puppy pic in extras.

Alan's support worker Penny was bitten on her lower left calf yesterday by a horse fly.  Today her leg was red and swollen and it was clear the poison was tracking up her leg.  She popped down to the chemist to let the pharmacist have a look at it.  He promptly prescribed antibiotics.  Saved a trip to the Doc! 

This evening has been spent getting organised for our Skye friends arriving on Friday.  My poor cleaning lady has Covid so won't manage in tomorrow.  Probably just as well because the place will be chaos on Friday after the girls arrive!  

No crochet done today.  Frustrating.  

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