BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Half-cut .................

 ............... that's the grass, not me!!

For those not up (or should that be down?) with British vernacular - half-cut means to be drunk - (comes from the 17th C and having a cut in the back of the leg meaning that you can't walk properly (I think)!)

A job that normally takes me a couple of hours - the back only - saw me staggering around for over five hours - no strimming of the edges, or round the trees and only cut on level three rather than two - not the best I've ever seen/done but a lot better than the hay field that had developed in the six days we've been home added to the ten days we were away.

I did finish it btw. 

~ Anni ~

This is Monday uploaded on a dullish and cooler Wednesday morning.

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