
By JennyOwen

High summer

I dropped Richard off at the station for an early train to London, and then went to Ughill - aiming for a walk before the heat could build up.
It was quiet; the swifts and martins that I'd hoped to see had found better options elsewhere. But there were plenty of insects on the wildflowers, and I spent some time watching a kestrel hunting over the fields. Peaceful.  I think that it's a Dingy Skipper in today's image, though I'm no expert and am happy to be corrected.
Later it was the usual Monday afternoon routine: picking Luca and Eben up, and taking E to his drum lesson.
Later still I picked Richard up from the station, and - wanting to unwind - we watched a very enigmatic Greek film on Netflix. Called 'The Waiter', it had echoes for both of us of French existentialist writing, particularly Albert Camus' 'The Outsider' (a lifelong favourite for us both). From my point of view, the sparse and often quite slow dialogue was very helpful Greek practice :-) 

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