
By MrsK277

A great team

My Sister Lizzie is 60 today.

Haven't seen Carly and the children since the twins were just over a year.  Wow! What a difference 9months makes in little people. You forget. They were gorgeous and soon got used to me and I was soon being climbed upon and kissed and cuddled, with so much laughter. What a joy after counselling. I'm glad I both.
Singing after, nearly didn't. Glad I did. Two songs from last week, plus a Les Mis medley. All in an hour. Heather came too.
Much better vibe at the cricket tonight, and two ,new, less timid mascots, who really got the crowd going. Thank you Ellie and Eddie Eagle!
Saw one of the young lads from school and I think I managed to direct a t-shirt in his direction when we threw them into the crowd. 
Too much in one day though. So tired. Mentally and physically. 

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